Mass Attendance
8:00am 166
9:30am 313
11:00am 154
1:00pm 235
Beginning on Friday 16th August. An additional Friday 12:15pm Mass is being provided during the school year. This is not technically a public mass as is does not appear in the published schedule and will be subject to cancelation based on the availability of the Pastor. Nevertheless, it is open to parish-ioners who homeschool and who may wish to gather afterwards.
New adult catechism classes: Wednesday 14th August at 7pm with the Rosary at 6pm.
Please note the change: For the school year (August to December) Youth Catechism for Middle School (11-13) will take place after the 12:15pm First Friday Mass. Parents are encouraged to bring lunch and snacks and are welcome to use the Hall. Youth Catechism for High School (14-17) reconvenes on Friday 16th August after the 6pm Mass ending at 8pm.
Then he said, This is what I will do; I will pull down my barns, and build greater ones, and there I shall be able to store all my harvest and all the goods that are mine; and then I will say to my soul, Come, soul, thou hast goods in plenty laid up for many years to come; take thy rest now, eat, drink, and make mer-ry. And God said, Thou fool, this night thou must render up thy soul; and who will be master now of all thou hast laid by? Thus it is with the man who lays up treasure for himself, and has no credit with God. (Luke 20:18ff) Carrilo Funeral services: will be providing assistance with their Personal Planning Guide in the Parish Hall on Saturday 17th August at 11am, lunch included.
Catholic Men’s Accommodation: Contact Andrew on 515 571 0855.
College Blessing: For those going to college for the first time or returning a special blessing will be be-stowed on the Feast of the Assumption (15th August) after each Mass. Please approach the altar rail after mass for the blessing.
Feast of the Assumption: Holy Day of Obligation, (Thursday 15th August) Mass Times: 8:00am, 12:15pm, 7:00pm (High).
Young Couples Group Potluck: Sunday 25th August at 2:30pm in the parish hall. This event is open to all engaged and newly married couples (less than 3years).