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23RD JULY 2023

Updated: Jul 28, 2023

Date Mass Intention

Sun 7/23 8:00am - Kelley Jo Farson (living), 8th Sunday after Pentecost, II, G

Mon 7/24 9:00am - Kelley Jo Farson (living), St. Christina, Virgin & Martyr, IV, R

Tue 7/25 12:15pm - Jefferson Thomas (living), St. James the Greater, II, R

Wed 7/26 12:15pm - Joseph Mestemaker , St. Anne, II, W

Thu 7/27 12:15pm - Bill Burke , St. Pantaleon, Martyr, IV, R

Fri 7/28 6:00pm - Michael and Michelle Burke and family (living), Ss. Nazarius & Celsus, III, R

Sat 7/29 10:00am - Michael Burke (living), St. Martha, III, W

Sun 7/30 8:00am - Mary Mestemaker , 9th Sunday after Pentecost, II, G

St Benedict Parish, 2920 Azle Ave, Fort Worth, TX, 76106.

Mass Times Confessions Holy Hours

Sunday: 8am, 10am (High), 12:15pm 30mins before Mass

Monday: 9am

Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:15pm

Friday: 6pm 5:15pm to 5:45pm Sacred Heart: 5pm

Saturday: 10am 9:15am to 9:45am Immaculate Heart: 9am

Last Weeks Mass Attendance

8:00am 222

10:00am 266

12:15pm 211

Last Weeks Collection

$9,863.77 (Target $15,000)

N.B. From Sunday 23rd April the Azle Ave driveway will be closed for access. All Sunday access to the parking lot will be via NW 27th Street gates.

Parents: Please be watchful of your children! As the parish continues to grow it is increasingly im-portant that parents remain watchful of their children in the parking lot, hall, bathrooms and court-yard. Please remain vigilant and accompany young children in all the public areas.

Adult Catechism Class: No Class during July. Class resumes on Wednesday 2nd August at 7pm.

Reception of the Sacraments of Confirmation and Matrimony: To ensure the better faith formation of those receiving the aforementioned sacraments at St. Benedict, as of April 2023 candidates must be registered in the parish for a minimum of 12 months and provide evidence of their regular attendance via the parish envelop system to be eligible.

Sacrament of Confirmation: The registration forms are now available for candidates wishing to re-ceived the sacrament of Confirmation at St. Benedicts in June 2024. To be eligible to receive this sacra-ment candidates must: 1)Have been registered in the parish from April 2023. 2) Be at least twelve years of age in June 2024. 3) Attend sacramental preparation classes. 4) Pass the test. Please return completed registration forms to the parish office no later than Sunday 27 August 2023. Once the num-ber of candidates has been determined more information will be provided regarding classes and im-portant dates.

Missionary Visit 23 July 2023: The Order of Friar Servants of Mary Zululand Mission Appeal is the weekend of July 22 and 23. The Order Friar Servants of Mary (Servites) was founded outside Florence Italy in 1233 by seven cloth merchants who later were canonized in 1888 as the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order. Their feast day is February 17th . Among our Servite Saints, the most well-known is St. Peregrine Laziosi, O.S.M, a patron of those with cancer and life-threatening illness. The Servites began thier work in the Vicariate of Ingwavuma, Zululand, Natal, South Africa in 1948. The Servite Mis-sion Appeals support the daily ministry to the Zulu Catholics in the Vicariate, the evangelization of the non-Catholic, the support of the Servite Zulu friars, and their seminary formation program. Missionar-ies today continue to proclaim the Gospel and establish Catholic communities. Please make checks payable to St. Benedict Parish with Mission in the memo line.


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