Mass Attendance
8:00am 204
10:30am 286
12:15pm 274
Wednesday Rosary at 6pm and Catechism Classes resume on 26th June at 7pm. This season of classes is regarding the Four Last Things and how best to prepare for Death, Judgement, Heaven & Hell.
Preparing for Death: To date this parish has not had to perform the funeral rites for a parishioner. This is great news but it can not last forever. Connected with the next series of Catechism Classes is the issue of preparing for Death. This unpleasant subject is however increasingly important in Catholic cir-cles where a Traditional Funeral and Burial can no long be taken for granted. To help you understand the importance of preparing both spiritually and practically for this eventuality a special class will be held on Wednesday 17th July at 7:00pm at which our partner funeral home Carrillo will be present to answer your questions. I appreciate that we are a relatively young parish community and that this is an unpopular topic for discussion but with so many mixed marriages and non-practicing family mem-bers it is vital that your last wishes are communicated, understood and respected.
Extreme Unction (anointing of the sick): It is important to distinguish that Extreme Unction applies only to a real and imminent danger of death due to sickness or old age and is not to be confused with a parochial visit or blessing of the sick. It is therefore reserved for emergencies.
Please note that as a personal parish our territorial boundary extends to the very edges of the Diocese. In a “danger of death” situation therefore we are not always going to be the first responders. Please consider the travel time involved and weigh the options carefully. Receiving the Last Rites is important. It is too important to wait for your own priest or the traditional form. If it takes more than 30 minutes to reach you there is another priest closer. Which is more important to you? Receiving the last rites while you can from a hospital chaplain or another priest or taking the risk we get there in time. Do not take risks! In danger of death call the nearest Catholic Church or Chaplaincy. Then if need be contact us using the parish number only (817 439 9944) to arrange a parochial visit. Please do not call other pa-rishioners to have them contact us on your behalf as this only confuses what might already be a difficult situation. Remember living a devout life of prayer and penance, regularly visiting the confessional and frequently receiving the Eucharist is still the most sure means of obtaining Heaven.