Mass Attendance
8:00am 161
9:30am 235
11:00am 289
1:00pm 186
The New Mass schedule is in affect from 1st July 2024 please see above.
New adult catechism classes: Beginning on Wednesday 7th August at 7pm with the Rosary at 6pm. This will be a five week block developing and deepening our understanding of the nature and applica-tion of Grace in the world.
Please note the change: For the school year (August to December) Youth Catechism for Middle School (11-13) will take place after the 12:15pm First Friday Mass. Parents are encouraged to bring lunch and snacks and are welcome to use the Hall. Youth Catechism for High School (14-17) reconvenes on Friday 16th August after the 6pm Mass ending at 8pm.
Carrilo Funeral services: will be providing assistance with their Personal Planning Guide in the Par-ish Hall on Saturday 17th August at 11am, lunch included.
Catholic Men’s Accommodation: Contact Andrew on 515 571 0855.
College Blessing: For those going to college for the first time or returning a special blessing will be be-stowed on the Feast of the Assumption (15th August) after each Mass. Please approach the altar rail after mass for the blessing.
Feast of the Assumption: Holy Day of Obligation, (Thursday 15th August) Mass Times: 8:00am, 12:15pm, 7:00pm (High).
Young Couples Group Potluck: Sunday 25th August at 2:30pm in the parish hall. This event is open to all engaged and newly married couples (less than 3years).