Mass Attendance
8:00am 263
10:30am 279
12:15pm 249
The New Mass schedule is in affect from 1st July 2024 please see above.
Wednesday Rosary at 6pm and Catechism Classes continue on 10th July at 7pm. This season of classes is regarding the Four Last Things and how best to prepare for Death, Judgement, Heaven & Hell.
Preparing for Death: This unpleasant subject is however increasingly important in Catholic circles where a Traditional Funeral and Burial can no longer be taken for granted. To help you understand the importance of preparing both spiritually and practically for this eventuality a special class will be held on Wednesday 17th July at 7:00pm at which our partner funeral home Carrillo will be present to an-swer your questions. I appreciate that we are a relatively young parish community and that this is an unpopular topic for discussion but with so many mixed marriages and non-practicing family members it is vital that your last wishes are communicated, understood and respected.
Please note that there are No Youth Activities during the summer.
Change to Prayer, Penence, Pub: For young adults (21—35). July 12th 5pm- 10pm. You are invited to P3, an evening of recollection with pub outing for young adults 21-35 years old. It includes a 30 mi-nute meditation with confessions available during that time. A social will follow immediately at 122 E. Exchange Ave. Ste 340.
Catholic Men’s Accommodation: Contact Andrew on 515 571 0855.
New Sunday parking procedure: Please pay particular attention to the signs in the parking lot which indicate the best mode of entrance and egress. Please also follow the direction of the ushers for the effi-cient dispersal after each Mass.